We are pleased to announce that we now have renewed LLoyds and DNV approval for GELCOAT / TOPCOAT  794PA (Brush) and 795PA (Spray)

GELCOAT 794/5 is a thixotropic and accelerated polyester product formulated with Iso NPG resin.

It is recommended for the production of parts in contact with water. It has excellent resistance to hydrolysis, UV attack and thermal shock. This Gelcoat is highly recommended for the boat building industry and sanitaryware producers.

Anti-bacterial proliferation ISO 22196 :2011 AB version
Lloyd’s –Nord Composites Italy Site Lloyd’s register LR2451755ALP -05/2029
Lloyd’s –Nord Composites France Site Lloyd’s register LR2451792ALP -08/2029
DNV – High speed and light craft and craft DNV TAK00002EW -10/2029

For more information please contact info@kovertek.com